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Choose your own adventure

Saturday, July 29, 2006


As a teenager and young 20-something I never wanted people to know when I stayed home on Friday and Saturday nights. I mean, geez my life would be ruined if people knew that I reveled in 20/20 and 48 hours mystery and didn’t really enjoy the bar/nightclub scene. Wouldn’t it? No? Where were you when I was 19? Huh? But I’m posting this entry on a Saturday night, so clearly I’ve outgrown the whole “what will people think of me” paranoia.

The boyfriend is out looking at mtn property in hopes of buying some and building his dream home. He asked earlier if I wanted to go along but seeing that it’s 100+ outside today and I didn’t really have any desire to spend hours bottled up in a truck looking at property, I said no thanks. Instead I chose to spend the day holed up in my house with the air conditioner on high. I haven’t ventured outside since 10:30 this morning. And it’s been nice. The muffin maker (see previous entry) and I are getting well acquainted. I LOVE IT and would suggest you go buy one now too. It doesn’t heat up the house like the oven does and produces lovely, wonderfully tasting, muffins in 12 minutes. Perfecto!

I spoke with my boss the other week regarding moving off the main floor. He looked at me like I was smoking crack. “you want to move off the main floor, away from people?” He’s a sales guy and a people lover, never one to sit at home alone he craves the attention of other people and loves the constant go-go-go and of the hustle and bustle. It took some talking but I got my point across. Later on he told me “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you” and then in the same breath threatened to make me sign a contract so that I can’t just walk away in a year when I graduate. What can I say - it’s really nice to be wanted.

Next weekend I’m running a 5k with a friend who has never done one. She set out a few months ago with a goal in mind and by golly she’s accomplishing it. I haven’t run much since May, but I figure my friend isn’t much of a runner, so I know she’ll probably jog it. Plus it’s only 3 miles and I’ve never had a problem with that distance. I’m really looking forward to experiencing her “first run” with her. It’s like experiencing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Running a race with someone who’s never done one is always a blast!

Regarding comments – I’d love to hear from you. However blogspot was getting inundated with spam so I had to flip on the moderator. I opened up my email one morning and there were 20 some messages. I was all excited till I realized what they were. To the person who likes my color scheme and to the other person (or same) who wrote that I have great content and pictures – I’m flattered but I don’t think you meant to post that here.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hey big spender

So I'm not much of a spender. I live below my means, don't eat out much, bargain shop and hardly ever buy anything I don't need. I'm frugal, cheap, thrifty - call it what you will, I just hate wasting money. You too? Well then you'll love her and her and this site.

But there are times in my life where I say "oh what the heck" and buy something completely ridiculous. This will arrive in a few short days.

Ask me how excited I am.

Come on, ask me.

It should arrive by the end of the week. Who knew $19.99 could make a girl so happy.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The summer itch

Is it just me or is this summer taking its own sweet time in getting to September? I'm not, nor have I ever been, a fan of summer. So I tend to say "is it over yet?" every year.

Bear with me...

Last summer coincided with the months leading up to my 30th birthday. In honor of it I ran a 1/2 marathon (LOVED it, yeah I'm one of "those people"), climbed a 14,000 foot mountain with my boyfriend and road tripped across the country. It was a fantastic summer.

Knowing we had something planned in xx amount of days helped break down the summer to segments, which in turn helped the summer fly by.

The following winter months were spent skiing every other weekend. We were on a roll and loving it. But summer came around this year and surprised us both.

him "it's summer"
me "how'd that happen, didn't we just climb"
him "uhm, no that was last year"
me "the whole talking me down from the ledge when I was too freaked to continue, that was cool" ( remind me to tell you that story.)
us "crap we better figure out something to do"

We didn't have anything planned. I'm in class 40 days this summer so trying to coordinate something around that has been difficult. So we've spent many a weekend mountain biking. Which is nice and fun and adventurous (and TOTALLY dangerous if you ask my mom) but we're wanting to get out and do SOMETHING, go SOMEWHERE.

I'm done with classes in 15 days. 15 DAYS.

The countdown is on!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I work for a small company as their bookkeeper and HR department. Originally hired as their bookkeeper, they soon decided that they needed an HR department. I’m guessing their thought process was “she’s the bookkeeper, obviously good with keeping private topics private, lets give her the HR duties too.

For the most part I don’t mind the extra duties. The owners are brilliant, the office manager is wonderful – however, there is one employee that will either drive me to an early death or make me a murderer.

I was warned from the previous accountant to “don’t trust her any farther than you can throw her”. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. She wouldn’t be that bad, would she? But it didn’t take her long before the inane requests came barreling in -

“I need to get my paycheck early b/c I can’t pay my bills”

“I need my paycheck b/c I’ve bounced a lot of checks. Can I have it now”

My response is the usual “No you can’t b/c pay day isn’t for another 3 days”

“But, I don’t have any food” (this being said right after she order in lunch from a local restaurant AND was updating her order from the plate of the month club)

This conversation happens like clock work every two weeks. Along with this one –

“I don’t get paid enough”
“I can’t believe they won’t give me a raise”
“why don’t you ask them for a raise for me?”
“you know how much I make, ask them okay”

She got reprimanded a few weeks ago for making too many personal phone calls and surfing the net all day (gee I don’t know why she hasn’t gotten a raise) She was pissed and moody and didn’t talk OR surf the net for a WHOLE day. We were hopeful that this was the turning point.

But oh how we were wrong.

Every week there’s another incident to jot down. A few days ago I made a call to our old accountant. We exchanged pleasantries and within a minute of my conversation she was yelling at the top of her lungs “personal phone call, personal phone call. YOU ARE making a personal phone call”

A few days before that incident, I emailed her regarding the repayment of her personal loan to the company. She freaked out. The office was fairly quiet right after I sent her the email but even quieter after she yelled “I WANT TO MAKE WHAT YOU MAKE. YOU MAKE THE MOST” in response to my email.

This afternoon she proudly exclaimed to me “LOOK AT ME, I’m still working. I’m not surfing the net or talking on the phone. LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME”.

I’ve tried ignoring her b/c I’m worried that I will yell out something completely inappropriate to her if I actually pay attention to what she is telling me. But it’ not working. So I have a meeting schedule for late next week with the owners to discuss moving my office/cube to a different floor, far far away from her.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Shortly before finding out what the ex was doing with his best friend's wife, he told me he wanted to split up. I, like most other people in that situation, bawled like a baby, begged him to reconsider, promised him I'd change, and bawled like a baby. Oops did I say that twice? Well that's because I spent the majority of time crying.

I cried my eyes out for a few weeks till I found out exactly what was going on. While at work one morning I broke into his email account and discovered pages of emails from and to her. My heart fell into the pit of my stomach, my jaw flew open and my eyes filled with tears. I confronted him, he denied it and told me "it's not what you think". Upon furthur questioning he never could tell me what it was. Even a year later he still couldn't tell me. I'm guessing his lying, cheating, self couldn't think of a lie big enough to pass that one off..

I called friends, I cried and eventually I got up the nerve to call my mother. I love the woman dearly but.... her sensitive side is a little rough. During that phone call I told her that the ex had requested we split up and that I thought he was cheating on me. (at this point I still wanted to believe him when he said "it's not what you think") I cried, she did her best to comfort me but after a few minutes she said "well I need to go, Grandma and L*** are here. They're going to get suspicious if I stay on the phone too long".

And with that she was gone. And I went back to the fetal position in the corner of the living room.

A few months later I called to tell her I was moving out of state and to ask if she would fly out and help me drive the U-haul. Her response

"well I'm working the summer job and I don't know if I can find anyone to cover for me".

I was pissed. I'm her ONLY daughter going through a separation/divorce and she doesn't want to help me b/c she
doesn't think she can find anyone to work her crappy summer job?? In her place she sent $600 to cover the cost of the U-haul. .

After I moved, I spent a week with her and my stepdad. My stepdad, never one to miss out on giving advice, and knowing I was a week away from leaving my marriage, looked me straight in the eye and said

"you know, if a man isn't getting satisfied sexually he's going to look elsewhere."

Yes he did say that. TO MY FACE.

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