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Choose your own adventure

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cell phone memory

By the time I got rid of my last cell phone it was so OLD that the store rep laughed at me. As did the customer service rep I called "wow, it sounds like you do have an old one! I didn't know those still worked." Friends compared it to the old Miami Vice style phones. while I would retort "it's not that bad, look, come on now"

It had many problems; most notably when the battery fell out (and it did often) it would delete a month's worth of memory -incoming, outgoing, vmails - anything and all of it. Earlier this week I found myself wishing I could somehow make that happen in my life.

A bit of history - a year or so ago I received an email from an old friend. She mentioned that she had information on the ex and asked if I wanted to know it. I hummed and hawed and finally took the advice of a great local friend. I waited a week, still didn't think I wanted to know whatever info email-friend had to tell me, so I wrote her back and said no.

Now of course I know the information - either they got married, had a kid, moved in together or a combo of all three. But the not knowing part was priceless, b/c whenever I would think of it, I would picture something horrible happening to him. Horrible? Hey - everyone has their own way of coping.

So a few nights ago, bored but confident that I wouldn't care what I found I went digging around the internet and found information. For days I consumed myself with the fact that they HAD moved in together. (Seriously though, how surprised could I be? Get over it! I continually told myself) He's also gone back to finish his bachelors. In performance music. Laugh with me if you'd like..

Ever consuming thoughts until a day later when my landlord (also neighbor) came over to borrow vaseline for their newborn. Their FIRST kid. He's 38 (landlord, not the kid), she's mid-thirties. We chatted for a bit while I soaked in his radiance. There is something magical about first time parents and their excitement of all that has happened. I couldn't get enough, it's just so amazing!

Should I tell you about my year and a half of infertility? Oh the bitterness and hatred at all those pregnancy and birth announcements. Oh how I hated to hear the joyous news of someone else's dreams coming true. It's been a long time since those years, most of my friends now are newly married or still single, so its rare to hear about baby births and pregnancies these days. Perhaps that is more reason why this one seems so special.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Well Hello 2007

Well hello there. It's been awhile hasn't it?

Remember all the hoopla back in 1999 about the year 2000? A friend of mine was so paranoid that she filled her bathtub with water "just in case"

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. School ended, I got sick, a blizzard swept through town which resulted in the city coming to a screeching hault, an 11 hour trip to visit the boyfriend's family for Christmas, another freak snowstorm, work, work and more work. School starts again in another week and I'm bummed. The break has been nice but not nearly as relaxing as I had dreamt.

Plans for 2007?

I'm still hoping to lose a little weight. I quickly (and way too easily) put on 10 pounds when I started dating the boyfriend. You know how it is when you first start dating - everything revolves around food. Dates include dinners, food is an easy excuse to get together, etc.
Combined with my new t-tapp book, a great instructor at the gym, and a bet with the boyfriend, I will win I mean lose. (the bet? We've both put on the same 10 pounds, who ever loses the least has to buy the winner new jeans!)

As well I'm planning to pay off my debt. Courtesy of the divorce and the ex's crazy spending habits I was left with a little over a million dollars in credit card debt. I'm close to paying it off and by the end of this year, it should be gone. Gotta love Dave Ramsey.

Speaking of the ex - I'm planning a summer trip with the girlfriends. At first we had our sights set on NYC, but have decided on the Pacific Coast instead. We'll be stopping in my old town to visit another friend who is there attending graduate school. Last night as I was laying in bed, the thought "what if you run into him AND her while your there?" crossed my mind. I'd punch them both in the face, followed closely by slitting their car tires, and setting their hair on fire. What? That's not what you would do? Chances are slim that I'll even see them, so I'm promising myself to let it go. I'm not about to pass up the opportunity of seeing both Seattle and San Francisco again because of an off chance I'd run into that loser.

Here's to a great 2007!

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