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Choose your own adventure

Saturday, June 23, 2007


My mom and I spent the day visiting with my grandma at her retirement home. Grandma, as I've mentioned is getting old (92 this June) but despite her fragile body, her brain is alive and functioning. She's a blessing and I feel extremely lucky to still have her alive and be able to build a stronger relationship with her.

(side note - There's a kid in one of my classes who I overheard telling another of his buddies that he was on the phone with his grandma before class started. Now before your heart melts at the thought of a 22 year old kid on the phone with his grandma - he ended the conversation with "yeah she couldn't hear me b/c she's old and deaf" - You almost had me kid. Almost. Too bad you'll kick yourself 10 years from now for being so cruel )

My mom and I had a wonderful time together. (has she always been this funny? this nice? Where are they hiding her) She drove off this afternoon and I found myself wishing she would have (could have) stayed longer.

Weight*Watchers is going well. I'm down almost three pounds in two weeks. I'm finding it difficult to eat only 20 points/day. It's usually more around 24 (not crediting in my workouts)

This "semester" of school is better than I expected. My one group consists of 4 other people; 1 quiet shy finance kid, 1 single mom to a 4 year old, 1 married father to an almost 2 year old, and 1 very annoying 20 year old kid who is fond of saying "dude" and being extremely wishy-washy in his decisions. One of my teachers has agreed to start class 15 minutes early (7:15AM) in order to finish class by Tuesday July 3rd.
My other teacher is biding his time before retirement and seems content with only lecturing us for an hour, sometimes hour and a half a day. Extremely boring and mind numbing. Only 9 days left!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wishing on a bacon cheeseburger

So a few months ago (after the roid-rage) I went back to my doctor to talk with her about other options. Knowing I was going to suffer through allergy season AND I was having asthma problems she suggested Sing*ulair.
I took her up on the trial offer. Hey I'd be up for just about anything that will take care of both of those problems. The first month went well. So well that I totally forgot to reorder my pills when they ran out. oops! So I sent off to the mail order pharmacy and did without for a week or two.

And I'm not so sure that the mail order pharmacy through my insurance didn't send me a case of sugar pills in place of the "name brand drug with no generic equivalent so hand over the full price right now!" B/c either my allergies have gotten worse OR those pills aren't the miracle I thought. (Bonus added - they help me sleep. But they give me the craziest dreams)

The downer (besides the whole "are they working?" issue) is I've put on 5 lbs since I started taking it. 5lbs is 5 lbs is 5 lbs. It's a freaking bag of sugar sitting on my thighs and stomach. Ewh! So while I was visiting my mom over the weekend I begged her to fill me in on weight*watchers. She lost over 25 lbs and my step dad lost around 80 so I know it works.

I started the plan yesterday. And never in my life have I been so hungry. (who knew that teeny tiny bag of ritz crackers with PB is 4 points? Dang it) Oh man! Today, day 2, is much better. I'm getting use to it. I've devoured (ha! Get it!) the literature that she gave me. I can and will make this work.


In other news the second summer semester started Monday. Two class, four hours a day, 20 hours a week of just in class time. Not to mention the two jobs I'm working and all the insane study, reading, and writing that both classes are requiring. (a bunch of BS) Add to that my work just bought new software that I'm suppose to be learning. I stare crazily at the emails my boss sends requesting we get together and talk about the software capabilities. B/c when will I have the time?

17 (school) days from today my life returns to "normal"

In between then and now I'm to write a gazillion papers on the benefits of management strategy and my personality profile. B/c nothing says I.T. strategy like a paper on your personality profile. (due this Thursday)

It's like I'm the bear at the circus who's being trained to jump through burning hoops. But at this point if they held out a cheeseburger and promised it to me I'd write about anything

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