This past week:
Two firsts:
1) I received my first weight loss comment from a coworker. "have you lost weight? You look good". It was nice till she starting drilling me on how the point system works and asking me "how many points was my dinner? I had X, Y and Z" Then requested (demanded) I copy everything WW related so she can read it over and do it too.
Uhm yeah I'll get right to it. In the meantime I hear the Internet is a great source of info...
2) I held a brand new, just hours old, baby on Friday. He's adorably sweet, tiny and makes the cutest grunting sounds. The mom has also given birth to two other boys (ages 4 and 2) but you would never know it. She looks stunningly beautiful! The kind of girl you could instantly hate if she wasn't so darn sweet.
Next weekend is my grandmother's 92 birthday! The family is all gathering at her retirement home to celebrate. I talked to her a few nights ago - she's pretty excited to see us. As are we to see her!
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