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Choose your own adventure

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Winter X family games

A friend of mine from years gone back has always been some sort of mess whether it's financially, in health, or relationship. There's always something going on. The latest was her break up with a boyfriend of 2 years. They met and moved in with each other within 3 months. Our circle of friends called it and said "this will never work" and it didn't. So we supported her, gave her what she needed, reassured her "everything will be okay". She cried, we comforted. Everything we could do we did.

A week or so later she informed us that they were still together but just as "friends with benefits". We've witnessed it before and "fnb" always, always, always ends badly.

A great friend of mine called me after this news and was pissed. Angry that she had given so much of her time and energy, angry that she was lied to, angry for so much. And she drew the line and said "I'm done playing into her games"

And it was with that line that a light clicked on in my head. My dad, who I love dearly, plays the same game with me. And once I heard "I'm done playing into her games" I knew I needed to end it to.

So I've made a conscience effort to not play his games. It's a struggle b/c I still fear the worst is going to happen and that by not playing into his games, I'll some how force the problems to occur. (seriously it doesn't make any sense to me either. My mind is crazy!) But good googly moogily enough is enough. I can't continue.

Ours is a complicated relationship due to so many factors I can't possibly list them all.. But I have found myself wishing on more than one occasion for a normal family.

It's horrible, I know.


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