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Choose your own adventure

Monday, August 28, 2006

Since last time

Since I last posted I’ve….

Ran another 5k
Returned home from a great vacation
Started the fall semester of school
Learned a friend is getting a divorce after 8 years of marriage
Got reconnected to my 2 best friends from high school. (We all moved out of state but live within 30 minutes of each other)
Wrecked my bike (and chin, lips, and hands) on my way to the 2nd day of classes
Had my car hit with a tree limb from a windstorm. (same day as the bike accident)
Picked up another part time bookkeeping job from my boss

Indeed it’s been a whirlwind couple of weeks.

Between all of the above I’ve spent a lot of time oscillating between feeling really old (usually when I’m on campus surrounded by the 19/20 year olds “like I totally don’t know what I’m wearing to the bars tonight”) and still not grown up enough. (high school friend to another at lunch the other day “the kid is finally sleeping through the night” “I know it took the wee-one months before he did it too”)

Great example - My mom and I are planning a trip out to Seattle in the fall to see my brother and his wife. Out of impulse and because REI was having a great sale, I just purchased their Christmas gift online (I know. Its only August! This is something my aunt would do! ) while eating waffles and homegrown tomatoes for dinner. I haven’t yet grasped the “its fun to cook for only one” So most of my meals consists of odd groupings of food. My mom gasps in horror when I tell her my usual dinner menu. So I do it often (obviously a sign of my “haven’t grown up yet”)

I’ll post pictures of my kitchen sometime soon. It literally is no bigger than a walk in closet. Can I use that as an excuse for not cooking like a responsible adult?


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